
Art in Review: Ernesto Neto Opening night at the Park Avenue Armory

Ernesto Neto - Anthropodino

My video cam was low on batts so I just took one shot. I can’t wait until Ken sends me our pics from that night.. think giant playpen for adults. It was also unexpected fun running into Haans.

You see those hanging sacks? They’re filled with spices/herbs.. very strong/semi-fragrant. There were probably a hundred or so of those of varying sizes throughout the installation… enough to deter me from going into certain areas due to uncontrollable a-chu’s. As part of that theme, all the drinks were made with unusual spices.

One of which was Brazilian Sechuan Buttons, a distinct flower which when eaten (I’m not sure if we were even supposed to chew them plain like I did) at first tastes like plant, slowly developing into an electrifying/numbing sourness.. as if you had mint toothpaste on your mouth you couldn’t get off, *meh*. Pretty crazy.. they used them in the caipahrina’s.
Brazilian Sechuan Buttons

-For more reading-

Categories: Art