Credits (Please include if reposting):
Photography: Steven Chu (www.stevenchu.com)
Styling: Marc Sifuentes (www.marcsifuentes.com)
Beauty & Grooming: Justin St Clair (www.justinstclair.com)
Special thanks to:
Richard Pier Petit, Photographer (https://www.richardpierpetit.com)
Heather Huey, Couture Milliner (https://www.heatherhuey.com)
Nicole Erber @ Wilhelmina New York
Yuri Pleskun @ Request Models
Look 1
Shirt by Jose Duran
Look 2
On him
Jacket and pant by Jose Duran
On her
Top by Katie Gallagher
Leggings by Lina Osterman
Jewelry by Anthias
Shoes by Hernan Lander
Look 3
On him
Zippered jacket by Hernan Lander
Webbed tee by Rochambeau
Pants by General Idea
Boots by Doc Martens
On her
Webbed tee by Rochambeau
Dress by Society for Rational Dress
Shoes by Hernan Lander
Look 4 (him)
Jacket by Jose Duran
Necklace models own
Look 5
Dress by Ca$hmere
Webbed tee by Rochambeau
On him
Necklaces by Black Sheep and Prodigal Sons
Look 6
On him
Wooden Necklace by Black Sheep Prodigal Sons
On her
Dress by Society for Rational Dress
Look 7
Dress and Shoes by Hernan Lander
Webbed tee by Rochambeau
Look 8
Jumpsuit – General Idea
Webbed tee – Rochambeau
Ponyhair Bracelet by Black Sheep Prodigal Sons
Rings by Anthias
Shoes by Doc Martens
Look 9 (her)
Hooded top by Hernan Lander
Necklace by Black Sheep and Prodigal Sons
Encrusted Baby by Heather Huey
Categories: Stories