“Maraschino is Murder” Mixed acrylic media and objects on Polyurethane foam and wood 12″ x 24″ x 16” via: La Luz De Jesus gallery showing until April 25th in Los Angeles […]
I came across some terrific articles written by Dan Heller tonight. They’re the most comprehensive (much more so than the ASMP’s site) guide to understanding the huge fuzzy unknown area of if a […]
Friday Go-Sees Buffer
Friday Go-Sees Buffer
Credits (Please include if reposting): Photography: Steven Chu (www.stevenchu.com) Styling: Marc Sifuentes (www.marcsifuentes.com) Beauty & Grooming: Justin St Clair (www.justinstclair.com) Special thanks to: Richard Pier Petit, Photographer (https://www.richardpierpetit.com) Heather Huey, Couture Milliner (https://www.heatherhuey.com) […]
Cages: Heather Huey (https://heatherhuey.com) Models: Bryan G & Briann Beauty: Stephanie Carranza Buffer